M.I.A. flips the bird during Super Bowl Performance

Madonna finalmente se pronunciou sobre o "incidente" de M.I.A. na Super Bowl. Como sabem M.I.A. mostrou o dedo do meio durante a sua atuação no espetáculo do intervalo da Super Bowl causando constrangimento por parte da NFL e da NBC que rapidamente pediram desculpas. Agora a Rainha da Pop se pronunciou sobre o facto dizendo não se ter apercebido desse ato durante a atuação mas logo terminada o descobriu. Madonna descreve que foi um ato adolescente, negativo e fora de lugar pois manchou o sentimento de positividade e amor transmitido pela atuação. Bem sei que foi uma atuação para um público em geral com crianças a ver mas creio que há coisas mais graves na televisão que mostrar o dedo do meio.

Madonna has finally pronounced about M.I.A.'s middle finger incident during their halftime show at the Super Bowl last Sunday. This act caused embarrassment from the part of NFL and NBC that soon came to apologise for it. However Madonna only heard about it after the performance. Here's what the Queen said:
To tell you the truth, I didn't even know about it. I actually didn't know about it until I left. I was really surprised. I didn't know anything about it. I wasn't happy about it. I understand it's punk rock and everything, but to me there was such a feeling of love and good energy, and positivity, it seemed negative… It's such a teenager…irrelevant thing to do. There was such a feeling of love and unity there. What was the point? It was just out of place.
Still M.I.A.'s act didn't tarnish Madonna's performance being the most watched halftime performance ever. And in my opinion there are far more worst things on tv than a middle finger...