And out come the claws once more! On a recent interview with Advocate magazine, Madonna got the usual question about Lady Gaga. After being asked about being referred as the Gaga of the 80s she clearly disliked and said she had no thoughts about that. Still the journalist insisted on another question about Lady Gaga and the way she connects with the fans, if there was a parallel to the relationship Madonna had with her gay fans early on. So Queen Madonna said:
It seems genuine, It seems natural, and I can see why she has a young gay following. I can see that they connect to her kind of not fitting into the conventional norm. I mean, she’s not Britney Spears. She’s not built like a brick shithouse. She seems to have had a challenging upbringing, and so I can see where she would also have that kind of connection, a symbiotic relationship with gay men.
Hmmm... bringing Britney out in the interview was a clear diss towards Lady Gaga. Now does the Queen of Pop think that Britney is better than Gaga or the other way around? Is this the best way to express herself? :) You'll be the judges of that!!