Kelly Clarkson revelou ter gravado um dueto com Demi Lovato. A notícia surge após ambas as cantoras se terem juntado no palco durante o espetáculo da Z100 Jingle Ball. Clarkson revelou que o tema foi escrito por um amigo e o descreve como sendo urban, pop/rock, um típico "hino" À la Clarkson. Agora estou desejoso para ver como será essa colaboração!

Kelly Clarkson has revealed she recorded a duet with Demi Lovato. This comes days after both singers joined on stage to perform together during Z-100's Jingle Ball. Clarkson told JustJarred:
It's a song a friend of mine wrote. It's killer and I've been wanting to sing it for a while. It's very like urban, pop/rock, and we both like that. It's my normal anthem, shove it in your face.
Now I can't wait to listen to this collaboration!!