Bem... eu li isto ontem mas nem pensei em postar pois não acredito. Mas andam vários sites a dizer que Alejandro foi rejeitado como 3º single de The Fame Monster devido à fraca recepção da música nas rádios. Ainda dizem que então o 3º single será Dance In The Dark. Bem... eu digo que é um rumor até haver confirmação oficial! Acho que não passará de um rumor pois Lady GaGa postou no twitter ontem que tinha acabado de ouvir Alejandro na rádio e que estava bestial. E também existe uma entrevista que GaGa deu a uma rádio a falar do vídeo que não seria continuação de Telephone. Agora fica ao vosso critério se acreditam ou não. Eu até que prefiro Dance In The Dark!! 

Well... I've read this yesterday but decided not to post. But since so many websites are saying that Alejandro won't be the 3rd single of The Fame Monster I had to post here my point of view. According to the rumours the reason why Alejandro won't be the 3rd single is due to the poor radio success. The rumours also say that the 3rd single will be Dance In The Dark. Well... I think it's just a rumour. There's no official confirmation and I really think it's a rumour. Yesterday GaGa twitted that she had listened to Alejandro on the radio and was super excited. Also there an interview she gave to Australian radio station Nova 96.9 where she said:
"I’m so excited about the ‘Alejandro’ video, [...] Actually, we’re shooting it very soon and I don’t want to say who the director is yet because it’s going to give a lot away. [...] Are you absolutely mad? I would never, ever tell you! [about the concept of the video] I would be more likely to lie through my teeth to you [regarding] what the video’s about so that you could all be surprised. But I will tell you it’s not the sequel to the ‘Telephone’ video."
Now it's up to you guys to consider this and think if it is really true that Alejandro won't be the 3rd single.