[CINEMA] Keira Knightley Says 3 Pirate Movies Is Enough
Para Keira Knightley 3 filmes de piratas são o suficiente!! Keira disse que escolheu não fazer parte do 4º filme da saga dos Piratas das Caraíbas porque só fez queestão em entrar em 3 filmes! Keira insiste que não irá voltar a interpretar Elizabeth Swann neste Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Ties. Keira disse que assim que concluísse a trilogia seria o fim para ela. A actriz tem 3 filmes para sair: London Boulevard, Never Let Me Go e Last Night e quando estes saírem ela irá começar um novo filme: The Talking Cure.
Keira Knightley has said that 3 Pirate movies are enough for her!! She decided not to star in the fourth movie of this Pirates Of The Caribbean saga because she only intended to star in three of them. Keira insists she won’t be reprising her role as Elizabeth Swann for Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides:
"I said when I finished the trilogy that that was going to be it — I had a wonderful time on it and I met some extraordinary people but you know, I think, for me three is enough, definitely. I’ve got three films coming out — London Boulevard, Never Let Me Go and Last Night – then I’m just off to do another one called The Talking Cure."