A sempre controversa Amy Winhouse irá lançar a sua própria colecção de roupa! Após tantos anos ao vestir roupa da marca Fred Perry eis que Amy teve a oportunidade de trabalhar com a marca para lançar a sua colecção de roupa e acessórios. Uma das razões apontadas pela marca para que esta colaboração com Amy fosse possível é o facto de Amy ter sempre demonstrado ser uma fã da marca (ao usar cosntantemente roupa da Fred Perry). Amy está a trabalhar com a equipa de criação da marca para desenhar 17 itens, entre acessórios e peças de roupas. A colecção deverá sair no final deste ano!

The always controversial Amy Winehouse will be releasing her own clothing collection! After so many years of wearing Fred Perry clothing Amy finally got the chance to work with the brand to release her own collection of clothes and accessories. One of the reasons pointed out by Fred Perry's marketing director, Richard Martin, why they partnered with Amy is that they were aware she was a genuine fan of the brand by wearing Fred Perry for years. He also said:
"Amy has a unique sense of style that reflects the brand's own historical reference points. We had three major design meetings where she was closely involved in product style selection and the application of fabric, colour and styling details. Amy gave crucial input on proportion, colour and fit. The range clearly has Amy's handwriting."
The collection is expected to be out by the end of this year!