Don't Let It Go To Your Head! Segundo o site PopJustice é este o 3º single de Battlefield. Outros rumores tinham apontado para It Takes More, mas segundo o twitter de um jornalista do News Of The World é Don't Let It Go To Your Head. É uma música bonita! E dizem que será lançada apenas na Europa em 2010. Então o que eu acho é que pode ser Don't Let It Go To Your Head na Europa e It Takes More nos EUA, assim ficam todos contentes hehe. Eu pessoalmente prefiro It Takes More.

Don't Let It Go To Your Head! According to PopJustice this is the 3rd single from Battlefield. Other rumours have pointed out to It Takes More for the 3rd single, but according to Dan Wootton (News of the World journalist) it's Don't Let It Go To Your Head. It's a cool song! It is also said that it will be released in early 2010 only in Europe. This only in Europe makes me think that she might release It Takes More on the US and this one in Europe and then everybody is happy! Hehe! I personally like It Takes More best!