Don't Fail Me Now (Melanie Amaro)
Aqui podem ouvir Don't Fail Me Now, o single de estreia de Melanie Amaro, a vencedora do X-Factor dos EUA! O tema foi produzido por Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins e escrito por Livvi Franc! Gostei do tema mas esperava algo menos electrónico. O seu álbum de estreia deverá sair neste Outono!

Here you can listen to Don't Fail Me Now, Melanie Amaro's debut single. This song of the X-Factor US 1st winner was produced by Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins and written by Livvi Franc and is the 1st single of her upcoming album set to come out this Fall. I liked the song a lot but I was expecting something less electronic from her!